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I’ve never had much success at keeping a diary or journal, but when I look back I see that my paintings are actually a visual diary. As I change and grow, so does my art. I’m interested in the dance of life and the wabi-sabi aesthetic. I hope some of that shines through. My pencil marks, drips, veiling and scratching are part of my process and remain in the finished piece. Perhaps this push/pull, this feeling of discovery, will translate to the viewer.


Through the years, my face-series paintings have become more minimalist, like me. Experimenting with color restraints along with working in a series really frees me up to dive deeper. Working this way also helps me hear what the paintings are trying to teach me. It’s all a give and take. And if it all works out, maybe you see something of yourself in my paintings. That’s where the joy is.


My name is Beth Myers, and I sign my art, “elmyers”. I am a self-taught artist and became a full-time artist in 2004. I’ve had a passion for art for as long as I can remember. My paintings have sold in galleries and lately through my Facebook page. I’ve taught art workshops and have been fortunate to study under some amazing artists. I was born in Athens, GA and currently live in Mexico.

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